My Simple, Beautiful Life: great before. great after.

a simple, beautiful life

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

great before. great after.

it's no secret that both of my boys wore helmets.  both of their little heads grew in width, but lacked growing in length.  there are a number of reasons why their heads didn't shape as 'normally' as they should; familial gene, laying transverse in my belly, long labors & fast deliveries, not enough tummy time, or all of the above.  but thanks to Altru Health System and their team of specialists, we were able to correct their little noggins before a problem ever arose.

a few months back i taped a segment for my Altru Moment.  yesterday, it finally launched.  please take the time to learn a bit more about my experiences with james and his helmet.

{side bar: you may already know this, but this is the first time i've ever really watched myself on camera trying to be serious, and i have quite the facial expressions.  yikes.  note to self: work on that pirate eye.}

this is my Altru Moment

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