My Simple, Beautiful Life: stripes and polka dots

a simple, beautiful life

Friday, March 1, 2013

stripes and polka dots

my heart is overflowing today.  as in, Drew's party was everything i wanted it to be for him.  i know he won't remember it, but one day he will look back at pictures and see that we celebrated his {unofficial} birthday with close friends and family and he will see the smile on his face and know in his heart that it was a fantastic day.

although i got a bit worked up with my never failing late husband, i was able to decorate and still be present, just the way i wanted.  i was able to see Drew plow around everyone and laugh.  i was able to hear James laugh and giggle as his cousins swarmed around him.  i was in awe at the friends and family that came to show their love for Drew.  its moments like his party that will be forever ingrained in my heart. 

stripes and polka dots
my boys just being themselves.
nose pickers, going in two different directions at warp speed.

we had seven present helpers...under the age of five.
party animal.
{and a birthday shirt made with love by mama<3}

and at the end of the day, this smile is all i needed to see.  it sums up his party and day beautifully.  my happy, loved, blessed boy.

all smiles.

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